Sunday, October 31, 2010

Katie & Zoe

We went trick-or-treating today... The entire town turns out for Halloween! It was great fun!!!

All the shops pass out candy to *everyone*, no matter your age, as long as you're in costume! Most adults dressed up!

This is a photo of Katie with Zoe, when we returned from town. She was all decked out in glittery, sparkley witch clothes, with her black western hat, which has a lot of sparkley Aurora Borealis stones set in the front & sides. She made a very pretty "Western Witch"...
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Saturday, October 30, 2010


Today ended up being a very sad day...

We, my son Erik, daughter Katie & I headed up to do some shopping at a couple of our favorite thrift shops. We were gone quite awhile, as I stopped by a local medical clinic, then an hour+ each way, plus about an hour in each shop.

We returned to the cabin, unloaded our treasures, then left for town to the school's Halloween carnival. They hardly had anything, so we headed back home.

We had been home only about 1/2 an hour, when Katie came running downstairs... Bootsy had apparently died sometime today. We knew it was coming, as she had been sick for some time, but we had hoped she had more time left.

She was a sweet old kitty, grey & white. She was also a *huge* kitty! She had won every "Fat Cat" contest she had ever been in!!!

RIP Boots / Bootsy
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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Katie & Ellisa

Here's Katie, my 12yr old daughter, & her 13yr old cousin here from northern CA.

We roamed all around town & the area, stopped ion to have lunch @ a little local restaurant / pub, (great sandwiches / salads). They're having a great time!

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Nice, warm fire going...

Actually, the "1st Snow" pic was from yesterday, Monday, but this morning, its bright blue skies, & cooooold, so the wood stove will be getting a workout!

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Got Snow???

Yep, we got our 1st snow of the season today...perhaps around 3" or so.

My *BLUE* pickup is hiding out under her blanket of snow in this picture...

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Monday, October 25, 2010

Snowing all afternoon!

There's Katie all bundled up, with a saucer. Its 33* right now, snow still coming down! Guess I got their snow pants just in time!
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Katie & her new sock bunny! :)

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Now I need to remember what email address to send photos to... I remember setting up the "secret word" part of it... Can anyone LMK the rest of it???
Yaaaaay!!! OK, I've figured out what # to send my posts to...
Now you're all in "trouble"...
Testing out the BB...

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

*WOW*, I'm in shock!!!

I'm truly shocked, stunned & amazed... I've got *12*, yes, *12* followers!!!  


Now I need to figure out how to send posts & photos from my phone, as I'm rarely on the laptop... 

(don't hold your breath.....)

Friday, October 15, 2010

I have a Van, I'm a Mom, my name is ~Karen~.....

Finally, I'm online with my very own blog... I hope you are all happy now, all of you who have been pestering me to get one!  LOL

Please don't get too excited over it, as I have enough trouble getting on facebook once in awhile, so don't hold your breath over this being a daily thing!  LOL